[CF List] The 'dis'economy of crossfire

Henric Karlsson henric at lysator.liu.se
Tue Aug 27 06:15:11 CDT 2002

On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, Andreas Vogl wrote:

      Hm... some very interesting topics
      in reply to Mark W.:
      > > > But is weight of the money any real issue?
      > [...]
      > But are gems really that hard to use?
      I think weight of money is okay.
Yes, and if it's too heavy you can always use alchemy on the pile.

      > > I said the rent should have to be paid every time
      > > a player logs in,
I really like the idea of a tax or rent. Might work if it scales above
linear for higher level players.

      > One question may be - what do people in general think of
      > having some of the random artifacts available for purchase?
      Please don't put artifacts for sale.
Agree, random artifacts in dungeon is bad enough.

      > The biggest problem is just the large amount of money
      > available at higher levels.  That is what really needs
      > to get cut down.
      Come to think of this, I believe the main "switch" in a
      players life is the point when he starts to kill titans
      and dragons. Before he can do that (<= lvl 20), he hardly
      has any money. After he can do it (>= lvl 20) he can get
      all the money he can carry, anytime, anyplace.
      Maybe we could improve the system a little by just
      reducing the average drop-value for red/elec dragons,
      titans and big wizards?
Add cyklops here as well, with the amount of cyklops you can find in
places like "Titans quest" you really get more platina coins than the
amount of danger would call for. If you can kill a few you can kill them

Another source of big money is chests found in higher lvl random

When I think about it, it's probably better to make treasure chambers in
the dungeons than to have the monsters drop the wealth. Limit the
monster drops to weapons and armour. I can't really picture a dragon
carrying lots of gems while fighting you.



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