[CF-Devel] Equipment musings

Tim Rightnour root at garbled.net
Sat Jul 20 01:30:45 CDT 2002

On 14-Jul-02 Mark Wedel wrote:
        When I wrote the code, I envisioned just not giving body parts to creates
      don't have them, and not using force (or other objects) to use them up.
Well.. thats kind of my point.. dragons *do* have arms, if you want to be
technical, they just don't have good articulate hands to hold things, thats why
I suggested the claws.

It's probably a bit late to be coming up with alternate ways of doing this..
but I'm just trying to keep our options open in the future.  The reality is
that if something relatively close is available, someone is going to use it for
an unintended feature.  

The critical hits thing was mostly an example of why I don't like the idea of
a hack like "dragons have no arms and no legs because we don't want them
wearing boots".  Quite honestly.. I have no intention of ever inflicting
critical hits on the server.. I think they are hideously unbalancing, and take
millions of manhours to balance (without making them lame).

Tim Rightnour <
     root at garbled.net
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