[CF List] problem with some diseases

Scott Wedel taverngeek at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 9 17:39:19 CDT 2002

--- Peter Mardahl <
     peterm at tonks.eecs.berkeley.edu
     > wrote:
      "negative" damage had some special meaning, like it does
      ten percent of damage regardless of caster level,
      while positive damage is increased by caster level.
      Either that or the other way around.
This type of stuff is straightforward really bad programming technique.
It is using the sign of the damage value to determine what could be called
DISEASE_DAMAGE_ADJUSTER.  Currently, the disease definition is needlessly
obscure when instead it should be clear so that someone could add a new
disease or modify the current ones.

Also, using +/- limits diseases to only two types of damage modifiers and
there is no inherent reason for such a limit.  Diseases could, in theory,
do fixed HP damage, a percentage of current HP, a percentage of MAX HP and
all of these further either independent of caster level or adjuster by
caster level.  A disease like gangrene might make more sense as a percentage
of current HP while a disease like sepsis might make more sense as a
percentage of max HP while a cold might be a fixed number of HP (a
strong person might be barely affected while a weak person is comparatively
hit hard).

						Scott Wedel

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