[CF-Devel] combining multipart images

Tim Rightnour root at garbled.net
Thu May 9 09:51:38 CDT 2002

On 09-May-02 Mark Wedel wrote:
        In theory, this is a self regulating situation - if you have a sizable
      of users that are using windows (or whatever OS), you should figure that you 
      might at least get a few that want to develope.
Thats actually an interesting problem with the windows userbase.  Look at the
difference in how the two communities grew up.  One grew along the lines of
"shareware" and "freeware", the other along the lines of open source.  In the
other side, I would bet that there is a much much greater percentage of unix
users that are programmer/free-help-out types than windows user.  I'd say it's
almost guaranteed that until you reach a sizeable critical mass of windows
players, you would get virtually none willing to develop.

My point being, that if we break the DX client, and MT doesn't produce another
working client for flat maps, we may just be SOL.

Tim Rightnour <
     root at garbled.net
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