[CF-Devel] Minor bugs

Preston Crow pc-crossfire at crowcastle.net
Sat Nov 2 21:27:20 CST 2002

Several minor issues:

Giants don't throw boulders.  They have them; they just don't throw them.

     write_socket_buffer called when there is no data, fd=5
     Socket on fd 5 has overrun internal buffer - marking as dead
     Write_To_Socket called with dead socket
That happened when stepping on a very large pile of objects.  The
client received a stream of "That item is too heavy for you to pick
up." messages before disconecting.  Perhaps the server should watch
for sending the same message more than some number of times (like 50),
and not send more than that many in a row.

In the shop inventories, shoes and gloves list the (armour +10) and
such, making for an ugly display.  Other items don't list their attributes.

It would be nice if shop inventories would list "17 daggers" instead
of "dagger" 17 times.  This would make shops easier to browse.



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