[CF-Devel] button.c magic mouth suggestions

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Sun Sep 8 17:38:45 CDT 2002

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      Mark W. wrote:
      Guess we had this topic already once, but I don't think overloading
      is so bad, given the way our code currently works.
      If we add new flags and variables for every object, memory
      consumtion would explode and we can't afford that IMO.
      The server is already seriously memory-hungry.
  Off topic, but I disagree a bit here.

  Metalforge, with 3 active players, was using about 30 MB.  The 14,000 objects 
acount for about 10.5 MB.  Size of the current object is 760 bytes.

  I would estimate that it would take just a couple hundred bytes to completely 
eliminate the overloading of values in the object structure.  Means the server 
would use maybe 4 more megs.

  Now you can say the metalforge isn't in really heavy use right now.   But if 
we say had 10 times the memory consumption, that is just a difference of 40 MB - 
this would probably make the resident size of crossfire somehwere around 200 MB.

  Given the current systems out there, I don't consider it that big a deal.  And 
of course, memory usage isn't linear with players - If you have 10 times the 
players, you probably don't have 10 times the number of maps in memory - likely 
that several will be in town at the same time, or on the same world maps, etc.

      I could update "types.txt" for the JavaEditor and there it will
      show all the "real" meanings of the fields. Nobody has to
      keep in mind the overloaded variable names like sp, last_eat,
      and all that. That is only the internal way values get stored.
      Mapmakers have the masked GUI from the editor to understand
      things. Even developers can take a look there if in doubt.
  You can hide it from mapmakers, but the problem is for developers.  More than 
one bug has been because a developer used a field they that was free but was in 
fact overloaded with something else.  Is that extra hassle/debugging worth the 
extra few MB?  probably not.  And in this specific case, the amount of memory we 
are talking about is 2 bits - which means on metalforge, we're talking about 28K 
more memory consumption (realistically, it would be 0 more memory consumption, 
because the flags fields are already allocated and wouldn't be increased).

  And I can already think of a case where using SP doesn't work - any connected 
item that you want to cast a spell would hold that spell in 'sp' (or should).

      In spite of what I said before, I agree to you in this case.
      It would be nicer to use flags here, because they can be used
      in multiple objects, as said. Though I would name them
      like 'FLAG_ACTIVATE_AT_PUSH' or something.
  Thats good at least.  The only issue with doing it this way is the objects 
would need to get updated.  I really like to try to keep flags 'positive', eg, 
if the flag is set, the action happens if the conditions are right.  Vs using 
inverse flags like 'flag_dont_activate_on_unpush' or the like, which makes life 

  So that said, probably would need to do something like 'FLAG_ACTIVATE_AT_PUSH' 
and 'FLAG_ACTIVATE_AT_RELEASE' or the like, and update the archs.

      However, the patch from Kurt already exists. The solution
      with flags does not. Would you do it? Would Kurt do it?
      I'd really like to have this feature - one way or the other.
      And to me Kurt's patch seems quite good enough.
  At some point, I think we have to say to some things 'it should be done the 
right way, not the fast way'.

  I'll do the appropriate changes - it may just be a few days before it gets done.


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