[CF-Devel] Materials (was FW: DIAMONDS)

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Sat Apr 19 02:31:00 CDT 2003

  Well, my original thought was that 'materialname' should just be an arbitrary 
string, and it would look at the material bitmask when it comes to saving throws.

  In this way, you could have something made of 'tin' just be editing the object 
(if on a map).  The material bitmask would be used for saving throws - the map 
maker itself could adjust other values accordingly (weight, value, saving 
throws, etc).

  That said, having detailed saving throws in the materials table for different 
materials isn't bad.  But it does mean that a map maker just can't add a new 
material and have it work.

  Also, setting the 'materialname' for an object in the editor is not going to 
do what you want it to do.  When an object is first created, it is assigned a 
materialname at that point, and the bonuses are done then.  If the object 
already has a materialname set, none of this happens when it is loaded (there is 
no way to know if the bonuses have already been taken into account).

  So if you make a sword, and give it 'materialname gold', it will be the same 
as if the materialname was iron in terms of weight, value, damage, etc.

  IMO, there is no good solution for this - the idea of the editor having the 
smarts to make such changes is probably not a great idea, but at the same time, 
ability of a map designer to change those fields is unlikely at best.

  However, there is no good solution to that - that random artifacts have the 
same problem - you can create one in a map by hand, but you basically have to 
patch in the values yourself.

  In some sense, I think the random artifacts is a bad idea simply for that 
reason.  OTOH, there are 327 random artifacts - to make those archs would be at 
least 327 new archs (many of the random artifacts may modify more than just one 

  The main reason I'd like the generation of random objects materials in the 
artifacts file is control.  The materials file has very generic control - it is 
hard coded that armor and weapons get random material types.  And what material 
is determined on a global basis by the materials file - there is no way to say 
'don't have material X show up for this type of object'.

  I think one way or the other, it is inevitible that the ability to change 
materialname will show up in the artifacts file, simply because someone is going 
to want to make some type of object (narrowly defined, like 'arrow' or 'dagger' 
and not all weapons) to show up with some material - having weapons show up with 
that new material may not be desirable.  So I say this change should get made 

  I've worked on crossfire long enough to know to do it right the first time, 
because in the end, it will eventually get done right no matter what.  However, 
if it is done wrong the first time, you then have an intervening time with all 
sorts of problems.

  It is also unclear to me if it is in fact to override the adamant material 
type.  One could argue that all items should be destructible.  But the right 
solution in that case is to probably remove/change archetypes that have their 
type currently set to adamant if they should be destroyable.

  Actually, if anything, adamant is probably the one material that should not be 
modified at all.  Artifacts and other rare items are made out of adamant - 
screwing with their weight, value, or other bonus is probably 10 times worse 
than doing so to what might just be a +2 sword.

  Also, one thing I _still_ have not heard an explanation for is how it is 
expected material types play into item creation.

  Is it just a matter that if I have a 'yew club', I could then make a 'yew bow' 
from it?  If I have a mithril chain, I can then make a mithril shield, etc?  Or 
something more?

  As for 'granite' diamonds - in some sense, the fact that the material name is 
now more specific means it is now wrong.  If for example I point over yonder and 
say 'that is a tree', I can be correct in that statement whether it is an oak 
tree, redwood, pine, etc.  If, however, I point yonder and say 'that is a pine 
tree' when it is in fact an oak, I am wrong in my statement.  And that is 
similar with diamonds.  If you call them 'stone', it may not be very desriptive, 
but is accurate.  If you say they are 'granite', it is more specific, but incorrect.

  However, I think rather than saying what is wrong with the current system, it 
would probably be more useful to say what the ideal system is.  Here is my short 

1) Ability to control what materials show up in a more specific fashion (eg, 
only these weapons will show up as silver, and not every weapon - basically 
artifact file level specificness)

2) Some way to set a material in the map editor, and have the right thing done 
when it is loaded by the server (eg, to actually apply the various adjustments 
and so forth).  Easiest way to do this is probably to set a flag like 
'FLAG_MATERIAL_ADJUSTED' - the editor would have it unset, but whenever the 
server loads an object, it checks for that flag - if it isn't set, it adjusts 
the item based on the material set.  If it is set, it doesn't do anything more. 
  This allows map maker to set the material of an object in the editor and have 
the right thing happen.

3) Removal of the material bitmask field - it is no longer needed with the 
materialname field.  Add special material keywords, eg, random_paper, 
random_cloth.  Alternative/better, allow a list of materials 'material 
iron|mithril|bronze' - this sort of addresses point #1 above.

4) From todd - name suffix for object names.  Eg, yellow/gold objects could have 
  the suffix be 'gold'.  This, if there is an image 'chainmail.111.gold', and 
the current name is just 'chainmail.111', it can update what it looks like. 
This could similarly be used for animations.  Eg, if for example you want to 
have wands made of different materials, it could look for an animation 
'wand_gold' if the normal animation is jsut wand.

5) Some better way to display the materialname in inventory.  This may simply be 
moving the material to the end of the list.  Eg, instead of 'spruce longbow', it 
could be 'longbow, spruce'.  Thus, if you have a 'Bow of auriga +3' that is made 
of pine, it would be 'bow of auriga +3, pine'.  In this way, the details you are 
more likely to care abou are presented first, and the material is presented later.

6) this more a minor point, but I'd like the materials file to be more humanly 
readable/easier to parse.  Eg, instead of:

saves 15,10,17,9,5,7,13,0,20,15,0,0,0,0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

it would be something like
save_physical 15
save_fire 10

  (or whatever).  Same for the 'mods' string.  All values should default to 
zero, so you only need to list values that actually are differently.

7) Also a minor point, but more sensical handling of how the random 
determination works.

  Right now, something like:
name iron
chance 20
name steel
chance 30
name bronze
chance 15
name gold
chance 10
name lead
chance 15

  does not mean that iron will show up 20% of the time.  If you re-arrange the 
materials, what shows up when changes. This of course makes it very confusing 
(and hard to judge) what really shows up (actually chance of iron showing up in 
the above talbe is 9% btw). It'd be much better if the total chance for matching 
materials was determined, and then just one roll is made to figure out the material.

  Any other points?

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