Enclosed with this message is my scores.pl higihscore html-generator script. The source code is not pretty, as the state-machine was done without reading the actual source code that makes that file. It was done in a reverse-engineering fashion, but it seems to be working ... :-) To use that script, as it reloads the page every 6 minutes, you should add it to crontab like: */5 * * * * $HOME/crossfire/var/www/bin/scores.pl > /dev/null 2>&1 (*/5 means every five minutes, if Your crontab doesn't support it, use 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * ... ) If You have any questions, please feel free to ask. roWer -- BSc. Pertti Karppinen | Online Solutions Ltd |'Bridge Players | < pjka at iki.fi > | http://www.solutions.fi | Do | http://www.iki.fi/~pjka/ | Office : +358 14 445 5110 | It | HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table' | -------------- next part -------------- #!/usr/bin/perl # scores.pl # (c) Pertti Karppinen a.k.a roWer < pjka at iki.fi > # # thanks for Sami Yl?nen a.k.a klux for some cleaning up # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied # warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. use File::Basename; #Your Crossfire folder my $crossfire_home="/crossfire"; #html output file my $outfile="/var/www/html/cscores.html"; #complete url to the output my $scoreurl=""; #background color of the webpage my $bgcolor="#eeeeee"; #background color of the outer table my $outertablebgcolor="#dddddd"; #background color of the inner table my $innertablebgcolor="#dddddd"; #background color for <tr> my $tabletrcolor="#a9b4f2"; #the title of your score webpage my $title="Crossfire scores"; #the name of the server admin my $admin_name="Pertti Karppinen"; #the email of the server admin my $admin_email="pjka\@iki.fi"; #the levels =) my @levels=(0,2000,4000, 8000, 16000,32000,64000,125000,250000, 500000,900000,1400000,2000000,2600000, 3300000,4100000,4900000,5700000,6600000, 7500000,8400000,9300000,10300000,11300000, 12300000,13300000,14400000,15500000,16600000, 17700000,18800000,19900000,21100000,22300000, 23500000,24700000,25900000,27100000,28300000, 29500000,30800000,32100000,33400000,34700000, 36000000,37300000,38600000,39900000,41200000, 42600000,44000000,45400000,46800000,48200000, 49600000,51000000,52400000,53800000,55200000, 56600000,58000000,59400000,60800000,62200000, 63700000,65200000,66700000,68200000,69700000, 71200000,72700000,74200000,75700000,77200000, 78700000,80200000,81700000,83200000,84700000, 86200000,87700000,89300000,90900000,92500000, 94100000,95700000,97300000,98900000,100500000, 102100000,103700000,105300000,106900000,108500000, 110100000,111700000,113300000,114900000,116500000, 118100000,119700000,121300000,122900000,124500000, 126100000,127700000,129300000,130900000,785400000, 1570800000); my $DEBUG=0; #prototypes sub parse_file($); sub html_print_player($@); sub html_print_table_header(); sub html_print_header(); sub html_print_footer(); sub read_dms(); my @files= glob("$crossfire_home/var/crossfire/players/*/*.pl"); foreach(sort @files) { print "$_\n" if $DEBUG; parse_file($_); } for($i=0;$i<$#scores+1;$i++) { my $exp=$scores[$i][6]; my $name=$scores[$i][0]; $score_hash{$name}=$exp; $ranking{$name}=$i; } my %dms; read_dms(); my $rank=1; $saved_exp=-1; $saved_rank=-1; open(OUT,">$outfile") or die("Couldn't open outputfile $outfile: $!\n"); my $ofh=select(OUT); $|=1; html_print_header(); html_print_table_header(); foreach(sort {$score_hash{$b} <=> $score_hash{$a}} keys %ranking) { my $i=$ranking{$_}; my @tmp; print "$scores[$i][0]\t$scores[$i][6]\n" if $DEBUG; for($j=0;$j<12;$j++) { $tmp[$j]=$scores[$i][$j]; } html_print_player($ rank++, at tmp ); } print "</table>\n"; html_print_footer(); close(OUT); select($ofh); exit 0; sub parse_file($) { my $player_file=shift; my($name,$title,$race,$class,$killer,$exp,$map,$maxhp,$maxsp,$maxgrace,$level,$god); my $state=0; my $count=0; my $no_class=0; $killer="left"; $god=" "; open(PLAYER_FILE,"$player_file") or die("autch $!"); while(<PLAYER_FILE>) { if(/no_class_face_change/) { $no_class=1; } if($state==0) { if(/^title/) { /^title\s*(.*)$/; $title=$1; $count++; next; } elsif(/^map/) { chomp; $map=basename($_); $count++; next; } $state=2 if($count==2); $state=2 if(/^arch.*_player/ || /^arch.*pl_.*/); next unless($state==2); } if($state==2||$state==3) { next unless($state==3||/^arch.*_player/ || /^arch.*pl_.*/); next if(/^name_pl/); if($state==2&&/^arch.*_player/) { /^arch\s*(.*?)_player/; $race=$1; $count++; $state=3; next; } if($state==2&&/^arch.*pl_.*/) { /^arch.*pl_(\S*)/; $race=$1; $race =~ s/_/ /g; $count++; $state=3; next; } if(/^title/) { /^title\s*(.*)$/; $title=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^name/) { /^name\s*(.*)$/; $name=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^face/) { /^face\s*([^_]*).*\.\d+/; $class=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^maxhp/) { /^maxhp\s*(\d*)/; $maxhp=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^maxsp/) { /^maxsp\s*(\d*)/; $maxsp=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^maxgrace/) { /^maxgrace\s*(\d*)/; $maxgrace=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^exp/) { /^exp\s*(\d*)/; $exp=$1; $count++; next; } if(/^level/) { /^level\s*(\d*)/; $level=$1; $count++; next; } # $state=4 if($count==8); $state=4 if(/^arch/ || /^end/); next; } elsif($state==4) { next unless(/^arch experience_wis/); $state=5; next; } elsif($state==5) { $state=6 if(/^end/); next unless(/^title/); /^title\s*(.*)/; $god=$1; $state=6; } } close(PLAYER_FILE); $class=$race if($no_class); $title=$class unless defined $title; if(!defined $level) { for($level=0;$level<$#levels;$level++) { last if($exp<$levels[$level]); } } if(defined $exp) { my @tmp= ($name, $title ,$race,$class,$killer,$map,$exp,$level,$maxhp,$maxsp,$maxgrace,$god); push(@scores,\@tmp); print STDERR "$name the $title ($race $class) $killer the game on map $map with $exp points (level $level)" if $DEBUG; print STDERR " and maxhp of $maxhp, maxsp of $maxsp and maxgrace" if $DEBUG; print STDERR " (from $god)" if (defined $god && $DEBUG); print STDERR " of $maxgrace.\n" if $DEBUG; } } sub html_print_player($@) { my($ rank, at table )=@_; my $name = $table[0]; my $title = $table[1]; my $race = $table[2]; my $class = $table[3]; my $killer = $table[4]; my $map = $table[5]; my $exp = $table[6]; my $level = $table[7]; my $maxhp = $table[8]; my $maxsp = $table[9]; my $maxgrace = $table[10]; my $god = $table[11]; print "<tr bgcolor=\"$tabletrcolor\">\n"; if ($saved_exp!=$exp) { $saved_exp=$exp; $saved_rank=$rank; } if ($saved_rank<11) { print " <td align=right><b>$saved_rank.</b></td>\n"; } else { print " <td align=right>$saved_rank.</td>\n"; } if ($dms{$name}) { print " <td>$name the $title <font color=red size=-3>DM</font></td>\n"; } else { print " <td>$name the $title</td>\n"; } print " <td>$race</td>\n"; print " <td align=right>$exp</td>\n" unless($exp>=785400000); print " <td align=right><font color=red>$exp</font></td>\n" if($exp>=785400000); print " <td align=right>$level</td>\n"; print " <td align=right>$maxhp</td>\n"; print " <td align=right>$maxsp</td>\n"; print " <td align=right>$maxgrace</td>\n"; print " <td>$god</td>\n"; print " <td>$map</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; } sub html_print_table_header() { print "<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 class=\"inner_table\">\n"; print "<tr bgcolor=\"$tabletrcolor\">\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Rank</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Character</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Race</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Score</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Level</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">MaxHP</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">MaxSP</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">MaxGP</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">God</td>\n"; print " <td align=\"center\">Location</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; } sub html_print_header() { print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"; print "<html><head><title>$title</title>\n"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\">\n"; print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"300; url= http://$scoreurl\" >\n"; print << "EOF"; <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> <!-- .outer_table { background-color: $outertablebgcolor; border: 1px #4350b0 solid; } .inner_table { background-color: $innertablebgcolor; border: 2px #4350b0 solid; } --> </STYLE> EOF print "</head>\n"; print "<body bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><center>\n"; print "<table border=0 class=\"outer_table\" align=\"center\"><tr><td align=\"center\">\n"; print "<h1>$title</h1>\n"; } sub html_print_footer() { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $year+=1900; my @months=("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); my @days=("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"); print "<a href=\"/\">Back</a>\n</center>\n"; print "<hr>\n<address><a href=\"mailto:$admin_email\">$admin_name</a></address>\n"; printf ("Last modified: $days[$wday] $months[$mon] $mday %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d EET $year\n",$hour,$min,$sec); print "</td></tr></table>\n"; print "</body></html>\n"; } sub read_dms() { open(DMLIST, "$crossfire_home/etc/crossfire/dm_file"); while(<DMLIST>) { next if(/^\s*#/); chomp; /\s*([^\s:]+):/; $dms{$1}=1; } close(DMLIST); }