[CF-Devel] On teleportation

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Fri Oct 24 12:23:17 CDT 2003

Let me add something to this subject.
As you were talking about this teleportation thing it seemed to me you
think of it completely as a theoretical problem which requires theories
for the esolution. Tho most of the thoughts were correct, as a
been-almost-everywhere player lemme share my experiences.
     From Scorn you can get to almost anywhere via ships and dragons. Serious
     exceptions: Brest and Navar. (Let's not think about Guild-member
players, for there will be a substantial time until everyone from mid-lvl
can join one.)
So think about hot-spots. Hot-spots are centers of interesting and/or
important areas. And... these are the towns... on the small-world maps.
Big world maps has the problem as mentioned, someone likes clearing
dragon hatchery or demon tower or fire avatar volcano all the time. You
should _not_ make steps against things like that, for 1) _most _ of the
players _like_ it 2) currently this game is harldy more than
hack-and-slash 3) you do all the quests in the world for once, you will be
at about 50 lvl overall. You have to do quests many times to get xp and
money (!). So there are frequently visited places. Looking at it from the
practical side, I'd say Demonology Tower, Dragon Hatchery, Volcano of the
Fire God, Warriors' Tower _should_ have some meanings to teleport to from
at least Scorn. Plus means of fast traveling to Brest and Navar - and
you are all set, good for a start. Dont't forget, big world map is _not_
an interesting wandering site, well, not for the 3rd time. (In my opinion,
it's boring _anytime_ I don't want to run on it directly. I think many
players share my opinion.) And there are players who don't have time for
simple walking. (Mark, really, from Brest to Navar on an avarage day it
took me 7 minutes. Some may think, it's not too much, but that some
haven't tried it then.) Not all of us are children with unlimited time, we
log in to play, we usually do it for a certain task to do (or for chat,
but that's another matter), so why harden our life with dead-time
road-sight-seeing all the time?
The DiabloII-style teleportation system would be good enough (you got
somewhere once, you can teleport there anytime). (Something like that
happens when you become a scholar of the Kurte in Pupland, and being
granted the ability to teleport to Ancient Pupland.)
And think about the original reason of the big world maps. It was not for
"Let us not players access every place so _fast_! What good is the big
world map then?". C'mon, this is wrong! Big world map should have been
created for the possibility of great new maps! The great distances are
it's _disadvantage_! ("It's a feature, not a bug." C'mon!)
Ancient Pupland is the best example for this. For the few high-lvl chars
who made it, it was the most often visited place of all. It takes a while
to go to Ancient Puplnad, even if you know how to do it - for the first
time. Devs realized that, so they have put in a meaning of fast access.
Without that, it would have been _awfull_.

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