[CF-Devel] Patch submission, round 3: item renaming

crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel-admin at archives.real-time.com
Mon Sep 1 15:51:45 CDT 2003

As per Mark's request, here's my item renaming patch in one big file.
The 'rename' file is simply the help file for the command itself, so i 
did NOT do a diff with the previous non-existant version....

Sorry if i'm polluting the list with those patches :-)

Nicolas 'Ryo'
-------------- next part --------------
Changes the custom name of an item.
 rename <item name> to <new name>

(Note: <> are mandatory)

If '<item name>' is omitted,
 defaults to marked item.

If 'to <new name>' is omitted,
 clears the custom name.

Note: maximum allowed name length
 is 127 characters.
-------------- next part --------------
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