[CF-Devel] Music and integrated control panels

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Tue Aug 24 14:30:09 CDT 2004

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Le mardi 17 Août 2004 21:15, Ben Jolitz a écrit :
     Greetings, developers.
     I have been observing the activity, and I think it is appropriate voice
     some of my ideas.
constructive ideas are always a good thing, but there are regulary lots of 
ideas and not so much time to implement them ;)

     I think CrossFire should have some sort of background music, kinda like
     how Diablo II has. Really, Crossfire needs some "adventurous" or some type
     of music to immerse the user fully into the game. A look at the
     extremely successful
     Blizzard games, they all immerse you fully into the "world" of the game.
     If Someone created
     some sort of music that "fits" in with CF, wouldn't that be more
     appealing to existing and
     potential players?
Code for music isn't that difficult (yes a bit anyway, or Ryo won't have 
enough challenge on it ;) Like always in crossfire, the most difficult par is 
having artists at hand. There are quite a few drawers sharing their talents 
to this game, but as far as i know, we have no music artist to build a nice 
background music and give this music free under GPL.

     Another matter I'd like to bring to light is a question of: why is the
     UI so garbled? I find it
     very unappealing, only the fun of the game outweighs it. Perhaps
     developement can start
     for a "skinnable" or an intergrated gui? Although most of the
     developement focuses on extending
     actual gameplay, I think many would agree if the client's GUI's were
     rethought out.
This idea is in the air since more than a year, however, building such client 
and getting in mind some player still use outdated slow computer is not easy 
and brings some challenges to gros. Beta client, first build on sdl lib now 
is in process of convertion to opengl rendering, so it will use the 
acceleration of now cheap 3D video cards. By cheap i mean in the range of a 
riva TNT2 or such, now a few years old. No need for a Geforce 15 Ultra GX FX 
with per atom subaquatic rendering able to do 25000x16000 pixels at 50 tera 
texels per second and needing 2 coolers the size of an airbus engine. 
No basically, the Opengl will be used for alpha rendering, texture streching 
and perhaps some basic effects.

I know gros has still some issue with png loading before the commit of initial 
release (Well technically, a code *always* has issue), but he could tell 
better then me (if you are not in a hurry).

Last but not least, this client has been though with skinnability in mind 
since the early beginning. It will be commited with 1024x768 basic skin.
You can get some pictures of the skin here:


please note it will even include a potion belt ;)

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David Delbecq
     david.delbecq at myrealbox.com
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