Re: [CF-Devel] Missing material on some items

crossfire-devel at crossfire-devel at
Thu Jan 15 16:14:24 CST 2004

A lot or archetypes don't have a material set and this would make them indestructable but I wouldn't say they are _badly_ broken.
A lot of these should indeed have a material however I for one have had a reluctance to make a sweeping changes to existing arches (haha - right) in case it breaks maps (maybe some maps need indestructable clocks?)  In any case I would handle this on a case by case basis where some are fixed - we wait for people to report broken maps due to the fix then fix the maps... 
I can do some work on this soon as I'm fairly comfortable with it.  I can look at the items in the indoor and misc folder for starters and see if there is any furniture that should be destructable which isn't.

      I was playing in training humanoid part, and noticed i did not destroy clocks 
      with my spell... So i checked, apparently then have no material set. Meaning, 
      unless i'm mistaking, they are indestructible... Same goes for throne.
      Seems to me some archetypes are badly broken, and need some serious fixing -.-
      Nicolas 'Ryo'
      crossfire-devel mailing list
      crossfire-devel at

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