[CF-Devel] Bug in stealing code

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Sat Jun 5 11:17:04 CDT 2004

Mark Wedel wrote:
      It might actually make more sense to treat the weight like any
      of the other stats (at least player weight), store the last
      value we sent, and send again if different instead of having
      these explicit calls.
Here is a diff that should do this.

I declared the function pay_from_container() as "static" since it
is called from nowhere else. In addition I removed the parameter
"object *op" since it is unused.

The use of the magic value "last_weight==(uint32)-1" was necessary
to delay sending "upditem" commands until the player object has
been sent ("player" and "item" commands).

To check (and document) implicit assumptions, I use assert()
statements. Since these statements are basically not used
elsewhere, I'm not sure if I should remove these statements.
-------------- next part --------------
Index: common/item.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/common/item.c,v
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -w -c -5 -r1.44 item.c
*** common/item.c	4 May 2004 07:14:53 -0000	1.44
--- common/item.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 235,252 ****
      return buf;
   * query_weight(object) returns a character pointer to a static buffer
   * containing the text-representation of the weight of the given object.
   * The buffer will be overwritten by the next call to query_weight().
  char *query_weight(object *op) {
    static char buf[10];
!   int i=op->nrof?op->nrof*op->weight:op->weight+op->carrying;
      return "      ";
--- 235,260 ----
      return buf;
+  * get_weight(object) returns the weight of the given object.
+  */
+ sint32 get_weight(const object *op) {
+   return op->nrof ? op->weight : op->weight+op->carrying;
+ }
+ /*
   * query_weight(object) returns a character pointer to a static buffer
   * containing the text-representation of the weight of the given object.
   * The buffer will be overwritten by the next call to query_weight().
  char *query_weight(object *op) {
    static char buf[10];
!   sint32 i=op->nrof?op->nrof*op->weight:op->weight+op->carrying;
      return "      ";
Index: common/object.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/common/object.c,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -w -c -5 -r1.87 object.c
*** common/object.c	18 May 2004 16:11:52 -0000	1.87
--- common/object.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 1641,1658 ****
          if (i < op->nrof) {
              sub_weight (op->env, op->weight * i);
              op->nrof -= i;
              if (tmp) {
                  (*esrv_send_item_func) (tmp, op);
-                 (*esrv_update_item_func) (UPD_WEIGHT, tmp, tmp);
          } else {
              remove_ob (op);
              op->nrof = 0;
              if (tmp) {
                  (*esrv_del_item_func) (tmp->contr, op->count);
-                 (*esrv_update_item_func) (UPD_WEIGHT, tmp, tmp);
--- 1641,1656 ----
Index: include/libproto.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/include/libproto.h,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -w -c -5 -r1.56 libproto.h
*** include/libproto.h	28 Apr 2004 22:04:09 -0000	1.56
--- include/libproto.h	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 135,144 ****
--- 135,145 ----
  extern void init_attackmess(void);
  /* item.c */
  extern int get_power_from_ench(int ench);
  extern int calc_item_power(object *op, int flag);
  extern char *describe_resistance(object *op, int newline);
+ extern sint32 get_weight(const object *op);
  extern char *query_weight(object *op);
  extern char *get_levelnumber(int i);
  extern char *get_number(int i);
  extern char *ring_desc(object *op);
  extern char *query_short_name(object *op);
Index: include/player.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/include/player.h,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -w -c -5 -r1.35 player.h
*** include/player.h	16 Feb 2004 18:05:32 -0000	1.35
--- include/player.h	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 135,144 ****
--- 135,145 ----
      sint64	last_skill_exp[NUM_SKILLS];	/* shadow register. if != exp. obj update client */
      float	weapon_sp;	    /* Penalties to speed when fighting w speed >ws/10*/
      float	last_weapon_sp;	    /* if diff than weapon_sp, update client */
      uint16	last_flags;	    /* fire/run on flags for last tick */
+     uint32	last_weight;	    /* Last weight as sent to client; (uint32)-1 means do not send weight */
      uint32	last_weight_limit;  /* Last weight limit transmitted to client */
      living	orig_stats;	    /* Permanent real stats of player */
      living	last_stats;	    /* Last stats as sent to client */
      float	last_speed;	    /* Last speed as sent to client */
      sint16	last_resist[NROFATTACKS];	/* last resist values sent to client */
Index: include/sproto.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/include/sproto.h,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -w -c -5 -r1.106 sproto.h
*** include/sproto.h	24 May 2004 21:00:16 -0000	1.106
--- include/sproto.h	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 626,636 ****
  char *cost_string_from_value(uint64 cost);
  char *query_cost_string(object *tmp, object *who, int flag);
  uint64 query_money(object *op);
  int pay_for_amount(int to_pay, object *pl);
  int pay_for_item(object *op, object *pl);
- uint64 pay_from_container(object *op, object *pouch, int to_pay);
  int get_payment(object *pl, object *op);
  void sell_item(object *op, object *pl);
  void shop_listing(object *op);
  /* skills.c */
  int steal(object *op, int dir, object *skill);
--- 626,635 ----
Index: server/attack.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/attack.c,v
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -w -c -5 -r1.98 attack.c
*** server/attack.c	4 May 2004 07:14:53 -0000	1.98
--- server/attack.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:56 -0000
*** 190,200 ****
  	    if (op->env) {
  		object *tmp= is_player_inv(op->env);
  		if (tmp) {
  		    esrv_del_item(tmp->contr, op->count);
- 		    esrv_update_item(UPD_WEIGHT, tmp, tmp);
  	    if ( ! QUERY_FLAG (op, FLAG_REMOVED))
--- 190,199 ----
Index: server/c_object.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/c_object.c,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -w -c -5 -r1.57 c_object.c
*** server/c_object.c	26 Apr 2004 05:07:52 -0000	1.57
--- server/c_object.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 629,642 ****
      if(pl->type!=PLAYER) return;
      esrv_send_item (pl, tmp);
      /* These are needed to update the weight for the container we
!      * are putting the object in, and the players weight, if different.
      esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, op);
!     if (op!=pl) esrv_send_item (pl, pl);
      /* Update the container the object was in */
      if (env && env!=pl && env!=op) esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, env);
--- 629,644 ----
      if(pl->type!=PLAYER) return;
      esrv_send_item (pl, tmp);
      /* These are needed to update the weight for the container we
!      * are putting the object in.
+     if (op!=pl) {
      esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, op);
! 	esrv_send_item (pl, pl);
!     }
      /* Update the container the object was in */
      if (env && env!=pl && env!=op) esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, env);
*** 891,903 ****
      if (tmp2 != tmp)
  	esrv_del_item (op->contr, tmp_tag);
      esrv_send_item (op, tmp2);
!     /* update the sacks and players weight */
      esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, op, sack);
-     esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, op, op);
   *  This function was part of drop, now is own function.
   *  Player 'op' tries to drop object 'tmp', if tmp is non zero, then
--- 893,904 ----
      if (tmp2 != tmp)
  	esrv_del_item (op->contr, tmp_tag);
      esrv_send_item (op, tmp2);
!     /* update the sacks weight */
      esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, op, sack);
   *  This function was part of drop, now is own function.
   *  Player 'op' tries to drop object 'tmp', if tmp is non zero, then
Index: server/login.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/login.c,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -w -c -5 -r1.46 login.c
*** server/login.c	12 Mar 2004 19:04:15 -0000	1.46
--- server/login.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 700,709 ****
--- 700,712 ----
       * the data isn't needed.
      esrv_send_inventory(op, op);
+     op->contr->last_weight = 0;	/* set to incorrect weight, so esrv_update_item will send correct value  */
+     esrv_update_item(UPD_WEIGHT, op, op);
      /* can_use_shield is a new flag.  However, the can_use.. seems to largely come
       * from the class, and not race.  I don't see any way to get the class information
       * to then update this.  I don't think this will actually break anything - anyone
Index: server/player.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/player.c,v
retrieving revision 1.150
diff -w -c -5 -r1.150 player.c
*** server/player.c	16 Apr 2004 06:23:44 -0000	1.150
--- server/player.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 204,213 ****
--- 204,214 ----
      for (i=0; i < NROFATTACKS; i++) {
  	p->last_resist[i] = -1;
      p->last_stats.exp = -1;
+     p->last_weight = (uint32)-1;
      return p;
*** 2828,2838 ****
    for (pl = first_player; pl != NULL; pl = pl->next) {
      int old = pl->ob->carrying, sum = sum_weight(pl->ob);
      if(old == sum)
-     esrv_update_item(UPD_WEIGHT, pl->ob, pl->ob);
      LOG(llevDebug,"Fixed inventory in %s (%d -> %d)\n",
  	pl->ob->name, old, sum);
--- 2829,2838 ----
Index: server/shop.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/shop.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -w -c -5 -r1.30 shop.c
*** server/shop.c	6 May 2004 07:04:23 -0000	1.30
--- server/shop.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 24,43 ****
--- 24,47 ----
      Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
      The authors can be reached via e-mail at 
     crossfire-devel at real-time.com
+ #include <assert.h>
  #include <global.h>
  #include <spells.h>
  #include <skills.h>
  #include <living.h>
  #include <newclient.h>
  #ifndef __CEXTRACT__
  #include <sproto.h>
+ static uint64 pay_from_container(object *pouch, uint64 to_pay);
  #define NUM_COINS 3	/* number of coin types */
  static char *coins[] = {"platinacoin", "goldcoin", "silvercoin", NULL};
  /* Added F_TRUE flag to define.h to mean that the price should not
   * be adjusted by players charisma. With F_TRUE, it returns the amount
*** 333,349 ****
      object *pouch;
      if (to_pay==0) return 1;
      if (to_pay > query_money(pl)) return 0;
!     to_pay = pay_from_container(NULL, pl, to_pay);
      for (pouch=pl->inv; (pouch!=NULL) && (to_pay>0); pouch=pouch->below) {
  	if (pouch->type == CONTAINER
  	    && QUERY_FLAG(pouch, FLAG_APPLIED)
  	    && (pouch->race == NULL || strstr(pouch->race, "gold"))) {
! 	    to_pay = pay_from_container(NULL, pouch, to_pay);
      return 1;
--- 337,353 ----
      object *pouch;
      if (to_pay==0) return 1;
      if (to_pay > query_money(pl)) return 0;
!     to_pay = pay_from_container(pl, to_pay);
      for (pouch=pl->inv; (pouch!=NULL) && (to_pay>0); pouch=pouch->below) {
  	if (pouch->type == CONTAINER
  	    && QUERY_FLAG(pouch, FLAG_APPLIED)
  	    && (pouch->race == NULL || strstr(pouch->race, "gold"))) {
! 	    to_pay = pay_from_container(pouch, to_pay);
      return 1;
*** 368,384 ****
      saved_money = query_cost(op,pl,F_BUY | F_NO_BARGAIN) - to_pay;
      if (saved_money > 0)
!     to_pay = pay_from_container(op, pl, to_pay);
      for (pouch=pl->inv; (pouch!=NULL) && (to_pay>0); pouch=pouch->below) {
  	if (pouch->type == CONTAINER
  	    && QUERY_FLAG(pouch, FLAG_APPLIED)
  	    && (pouch->race == NULL || strstr(pouch->race, "gold"))) {
! 	    to_pay = pay_from_container(op, pouch, to_pay);
      if (settings.real_wiz == FALSE && QUERY_FLAG(pl, FLAG_WAS_WIZ))
--- 372,388 ----
      saved_money = query_cost(op,pl,F_BUY | F_NO_BARGAIN) - to_pay;
      if (saved_money > 0)
!     to_pay = pay_from_container(pl, to_pay);
      for (pouch=pl->inv; (pouch!=NULL) && (to_pay>0); pouch=pouch->below) {
  	if (pouch->type == CONTAINER
  	    && QUERY_FLAG(pouch, FLAG_APPLIED)
  	    && (pouch->race == NULL || strstr(pouch->race, "gold"))) {
! 	    to_pay = pay_from_container(pouch, to_pay);
      if (settings.real_wiz == FALSE && QUERY_FLAG(pl, FLAG_WAS_WIZ))
*** 391,403 ****
   * with weight not be subtracted properly.  We now remove and
   * insert the coin objects -  this should update the weight
   * appropriately
   * DAMN: This function is used for the player, then for any active
!  * containers that can hold money, until the op is paid for.
! uint64 pay_from_container(object *op, object *pouch, int to_pay) {
      int count, i;
      sint64 remain;
      object *tmp, *coin_objs[NUM_COINS], *next;
      archetype *at;
      object *who;
--- 395,411 ----
   * with weight not be subtracted properly.  We now remove and
   * insert the coin objects -  this should update the weight
   * appropriately
   * DAMN: This function is used for the player, then for any active
!  * containers that can hold money.
!  *
!  * pouch is the container (pouch or player) to remove the coins from.
!  * to_pay is the required amount.
!  * returns the amount still missing after using "pouch".
! static uint64 pay_from_container(object *pouch, uint64 to_pay) {
      int count, i;
      sint64 remain;
      object *tmp, *coin_objs[NUM_COINS], *next;
      archetype *at;
      object *who;
*** 475,490 ****
      for (i=0; i<NUM_COINS; i++) {
  	if (coin_objs[i]->nrof) {
  	    object *tmp = insert_ob_in_ob(coin_objs[i], pouch);
  	    for (who = pouch; who && who->type!=PLAYER && who->env!=NULL; who=who->env) ;
  	    esrv_send_item(who, tmp);
  	    esrv_send_item (who, pouch);
! 	    esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, who, pouch);
  	    if (pouch->type != PLAYER) {
  		esrv_send_item (who, who);
- 		esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, who, who);
  	} else {
--- 483,498 ----
      for (i=0; i<NUM_COINS; i++) {
  	if (coin_objs[i]->nrof) {
  	    object *tmp = insert_ob_in_ob(coin_objs[i], pouch);
  	    for (who = pouch; who && who->type!=PLAYER && who->env!=NULL; who=who->env) ;
+ 	    assert(who != NULL && who->type == PLAYER);
  	    esrv_send_item(who, tmp);
  	    esrv_send_item (who, pouch);
! 	    if(who != pouch) esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, who, pouch);
  	    if (pouch->type != PLAYER) {
  		esrv_send_item (who, who);
  	} else {
*** 611,621 ****
  			tmp = insert_ob_in_ob(tmp, pouch);
  			esrv_send_item (pl, tmp);
  			esrv_send_item (pl, pouch);
  			esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, pouch);
  			esrv_send_item (pl, pl);
- 			esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, pl);
  	    if (i/at->clone.value > 0) {
  		tmp = get_object();
--- 619,628 ----
*** 623,633 ****
  		tmp->nrof = i/tmp->value;
  		i -= (uint64)tmp->nrof * (uint64)tmp->value;
  		tmp = insert_ob_in_ob(tmp, pl);
  		esrv_send_item (pl, tmp);
  		esrv_send_item (pl, pl);
- 		esrv_update_item (UPD_WEIGHT, pl, pl);
      if (i!=0) 
--- 630,639 ----
Index: socket/item.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/socket/item.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -w -c -5 -r1.28 item.c
*** socket/item.c	11 Feb 2004 08:09:29 -0000	1.28
--- socket/item.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 52,64 ****
   * Functions related to sending object data to the client.
- /** This is more or less stolen from the query_weight function. */
- #define WEIGHT(op) (op->nrof?op->weight:op->weight+op->carrying)
   * Adds string to socklist.
   * This is a simple function that we use a lot here.  It basically
   * adds the specified buffer into the socklist, but prepends a
--- 52,61 ----
*** 225,235 ****
  		esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, tmp->animation_id);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->count);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, flags);
! 	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_NO_PICK) ? -1 : WEIGHT(tmp));
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->face->number);
        if (!tmp->custom_name) {
  	      strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(tmp, 0),127);
--- 222,232 ----
  		esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, tmp->animation_id);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->count);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, flags);
! 	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_NO_PICK) ? -1 : get_weight(tmp));
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->face->number);
        if (!tmp->custom_name) {
  	      strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(tmp, 0),127);
*** 315,325 ****
  	    if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp,FLAG_ANIMATE) && 
  		esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, tmp->animation_id);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->count);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, flags);
! 	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_NO_PICK) ? -1 : WEIGHT(tmp));
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->face->number);
        if (!tmp->custom_name) {
  	      strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(tmp, 0),127);
--- 312,322 ----
  	    if (QUERY_FLAG(tmp,FLAG_ANIMATE) && 
  		esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, tmp->animation_id);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->count);
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, flags);
! 	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, QUERY_FLAG(tmp, FLAG_NO_PICK) ? -1 : get_weight(tmp));
  	    SockList_AddInt(&sl, tmp->face->number);
        if (!tmp->custom_name) {
  	      strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(tmp, 0),127);
*** 415,426 ****
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->env? op->env->count:0);
      if (flags & UPD_FLAGS)
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, query_flags(op));
!     if (flags & UPD_WEIGHT)
! 	SockList_AddInt(&sl, WEIGHT(op));
      if (flags & UPD_FACE) {
  	if (!pl->contr->socket.faces_sent[op->face->number])
  	    esrv_send_face(&pl->contr->socket, op->face->number,0);
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->face->number);
--- 412,428 ----
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->env? op->env->count:0);
      if (flags & UPD_FLAGS)
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, query_flags(op));
!     if (flags & UPD_WEIGHT) {
! 	sint32 weight = get_weight(op);
! 	SockList_AddInt(&sl, weight);
! 	if (pl == op) {
! 	    op->contr->last_weight = weight;
! 	}
!     }
      if (flags & UPD_FACE) {
  	if (!pl->contr->socket.faces_sent[op->face->number])
  	    esrv_send_face(&pl->contr->socket, op->face->number,0);
  	SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->face->number);
*** 508,518 ****
  	esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, op->animation_id);
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->count);
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, query_flags(op));
!     SockList_AddInt(&sl, WEIGHT(op));
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->face->number);
      if(!op->custom_name) {
        strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(op, 0),127);
--- 510,520 ----
  	esrv_send_animation(&pl->contr->socket, op->animation_id);
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->count);
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, query_flags(op));
!     SockList_AddInt(&sl, get_weight(op));
      SockList_AddInt(&sl, op->face->number);
      if(!op->custom_name) {
        strncpy(item_n,query_base_name(op, 0),127);
Index: socket/loop.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/socket/loop.c,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -w -c -5 -r1.26 loop.c
*** socket/loop.c	2 Dec 2003 18:51:44 -0000	1.26
--- socket/loop.c	5 Jun 2004 16:01:57 -0000
*** 37,46 ****
--- 37,47 ----
   * maintenance (checking for lost connections and if data has arrived.)
   * The reading of data is handled in ericserver.c
+ #include <assert.h>
  #include <global.h>
  #ifndef __CEXTRACT__
  #include <sproto.h>
  #include <sockproto.h>
*** 656,665 ****
--- 657,670 ----
  		/* Update the players stats once per tick.  More efficient than
  		 * sending them whenever they change, and probably just as useful
+ 		if (pl->last_weight != (uint32)-1 && pl->last_weight != get_weight(pl->ob)) {
+ 		    esrv_update_item(UPD_WEIGHT, pl->ob, pl->ob);
+ 		    assert(pl->last_weight == get_weight(pl->ob));
+ 		}
  		if (pl->ob->map && pl->ob->map->in_memory==MAP_IN_MEMORY)
  		if (pl->socket.update_look) esrv_draw_look(pl->ob);
-------------- next part --------------
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