[CF-Devel] Compression

crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com crossfire-devel at archives.real-time.com
Fri Oct 15 13:03:44 CDT 2004

I suggest against UDP based protocal use. 1 it's
unreliable. 2 I wouldn't beable to connect through
Please not UDP, I'm not _That_ worried about bandwidth
consumption. I am VERY glad CF uses TCP.

--- tchize <
     tchize at myrealbox.com
     > wrote:

      Blind compression of protocol is a bad idea. 
      Here is why.
      There are mainly 3 parts of protocol which consume
      lots of bandwidth and, so 
      are interresting to compress.
      1) text messages to player.
      When use hit/miss a monster, server send lots of
      message telling player how 
      combat is going. Those message are all in forms like
      'You hit kobold very hard'
      Don't forget that is one packet as a whole, so you
      need to find a a way to 
      compress that sentence alone. Try to cut an past it
      in a .txt then zip it and 
      see result (yeah, compressed size is the double,
      because you need to send the 
      compression alphabet used). A bettr way would be,
      perhaps to send only to 
      client the number of the creature being hit (an
      int16) along with the 
      'template' used for message (could be another
      int16). Never investigated a 
      lot this.
      2) pictures.
      Depending on configuration of client, the client may
      cache pictures or not, 
      even could comme with a standard preloaded set of
      pictures or could download 
      the pictures from server at startup. As pictures are
      already png, unless you 
      force client to cache pictures (this prevent sending
      pictures each time a 
      square change in map), you can't gain a lot in this
      way. (Preloaded set with 
      'on connect' checksum / download seem the best path)
      3) Mapinfo
      There are lots of map related info send to client,
      when he moves, when he is 
      looking at the animated sea (each animation is
      change in the map and so a map 
      packet sent). I already analyzed this in the past,
      and i concluded, by 
      running with a quite fast player, in bigworld
      (pictures were cached at 
      connect time and so didn't influence bandwidth use,
      statswere at max and 
      didn't influence bandwidth too, no monsters around),
      that the bandwidth use 
      can sometime rise up to 32K/s just for map datas.
      Unfortunately, as is, it's also impossible to
      compress that data. These are 
      already tight binary datas and, when you have
      recurrent informations, like 
      when you have a cyclic sea movement, you can't
      gather all them to 'hope' zlib 
      will compress them. Because you'll have to stack
      datas for about 2 seconds 
      (imagine the lags).
      Now, am not saying we can't compress datas, just
      that we need a better way, 
      which has already been discussed for about a year on
      irc. The idea is mainly 
      around the mapdatas , but not only. The purpose is
      not to reduce bandwidth 
      (but it indeed reduce bandwidth) but to prevent user
      lags. That's what we 
      need to concentrate on. The suggestion lead to the
      following point
      1) Use an udp based protocol. This prevent the
      bandwidth consumption of tcp 
      packet resend query, tcp stacking and so on, but
      this protocol is not 
      reliable, so we need to add redundancy on critical
      datas (we don't mind 
      loosing a 'you hit kobold' message or a 'sea did
      animate' one), but when 
      player moves, we need to ensure client got the
      information. When player 
      changes map we need to be sure it get this
      information too. When players are 
      chatting also, this must be reliable.
      2) Because there can be lag between a 'move' command
      from client and a 
      'mapscroll' answer from server, client need to take
      some advance in the 
      movement. It need to 'suppose' the movement, thought
      the server remains the 
      only controller of the 'can move' logic. This mean
      we must send additionnal 
      datas on which areas are passable and which not. (or
      at least 'seems 
      3) Because animations on maps are a waste of
      bandwith (cyclic animation, like 
      sea, rivers, lava, snow), we need to tell the client
      the animation exists, 
      the speed of the animation and a timebase to
      synchronize it's first frame. 
      That's a bit more datas but sent only once.
      4) Because sending additionnal datas for an
      animation player will merely see 
      only half because he just run by when goind
      somewhere else and because most 
      of the envirronement never change (trees remain
      trees, grass remains grass, 
      lava, etc) we should preload to client the maps
      5) Because we need to keep all dynamism of current
      map system (a grass square 
      could theorically be changed by weather system. You
      could create a map with 
      scripting where a lever would remove lava, aso) we
      need to have a way to 
      'patch' the client map when such change occur and a
      way to track this.
      All this need to make a list of important datas, of
      less likely to change info 
      on map (should be automatic and based on
      is_floor/alive/can_pick tags).
      Moreover, this need a redo of current protocol which
      would not be compatible 
      (well technically because we would use udp and not
      tcp, we can easily decide 
      if we use new or old protocol with client).
      So i think this is not as simple as compression,
      this is some quite huge work 
      that need to be done and turn around in my mind for
      more than a year. But i 
      sure hope to see this alive one day or another :)
      Le Lundi 11 Octobre 2004 20:05, Ben Jolitz a écrit :
      I think that is an excellent idea. Perhaps using the
      zlib compression,
      which is standard, you can send more data as
      I frequently experiance lag on broadband. if Cf
      worked on dial up,
      think how much better. Perhaps using a system
      like libz, is better. But having compressed maps
      sent over is really neat.
      >I was wondering if on-the-fly gzip compression
      >be added to crossfire, since much of the traffic is
      >text based map data. Routienes could be pulled from
      >mozilla or midnight commander to implement it.
      >Thoughts? (Would speed things up for dialup users).
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      Tchize (David Delbecq)
      tchize at myrealbox.com
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