Security Audit, was Re: [crossfire] Server release?

David Delbecq david.Delbecq at
Sun Apr 17 13:49:56 CDT 2005

A few times ago, i tried to fix this by changing char* manipulation to some 
macros. This made operations like strcat faster because we kept a track on 
the lenght of buffer, but i dropped. This was taking me a huge amount of time 
to code and the various changes in server occuring during that period made a 
lot of conflict. The good point was 'it was working', the bad point was 'lots 
of prototype changes'. Maybe i should retry but this time work on something 
like commiting one clean file per week.

--- Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at
     > wrote:
        Unfortunately, some number of those calls are on
      data passed in, where it
      would require changing the function prototype to
      denote how large the buffer is.
        There are still a lot of calls to sprintf/strcpy
      in the code - fixing those is
      no smaller matter.
        On the bright side, the server requires no special
      privileges to run, so could
      be run in a jail/zone/chroot environment to mitigate
      the risks.

David Delbecq
     david.delbecq at
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