On 8/20/05, Amorya North < amorya at amorya.freeserve.co.uk > wrote: > Perhaps you could have a stat in the player, Valuation or similar, and the > better you are at that skill the more accurate your guesses will be? what I have is that the accuracy of the guess is based on the players level in the bargaining skill, plus twice their level in the skill(s) that can be used to identify the item (so smithery for swords, bowyer for bows, etc). the actual line of code is if (approximate) val = val + (sint64)(val*(sin(tmp->count)/sqrt(lev_bargain+lev_identify*2+1.0))); it therefore follows that the players who will get good estimates, will be those who are good traders (high level bargaining) and/or understand the market they are dealing in. (have the skills that are relevant to the item in question).