[crossfire] What did I do wrong?

alex_sch at telus.net alex_sch at telus.net
Wed Aug 24 12:02:32 CDT 2005

Quoting Anton Oussik <
     antonoussik at gmail.com

      Yesterday I completely removed old copies, and checked out CVS maps,
      server, and client using developer CVS, and compiled them all. I had
      to configure the server --without-x, but otherwise no special options
      were passed, and I was found to have all necessary tools and libraries
      needed for compillation. Upon logging in I saw this picture:
      Other tiles were not as bad, but there were usually 1-3 copies of
      everything on every tile, and things like boulder mechanics broke.
      I assume this is something silly that I did, but don't seem to find
      out what. Does anyone have a clue?
I once had an issue extremely similar to this. It was caused by having maps
installed in BOTH /lib/crossfire and in /share/crossfire

Alex Schultz


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