[crossfire] Re: Client display issue

Alex Schultz AlDragon at gmail.com
Tue Jul 5 18:54:16 CDT 2005

Nicolas Weeger <
     nicolas.weeger at ...
     > writes:
      With current CVS GTK client, there's a big display issue with
      multiplart images.
      Client apparently keeps old parts in memory, and won't erase'em.
      Casting spells doesn't change display, but using dimension door (thus
      invalidating cache) fixes the trouble.
      So I'd guess it's related to caching. But someone who knows more about
      multipart can tell better :)
I assume you're rerfering to 'fog of war' data when you say 'cache'. I might be
able to assist in fixing this (once I get internet back on my main machine),
because in a crossfire bot that I have been working on that has a graphical
display of what it sees, I have had to write map data parsing code from scratch,
and it's graphical display does handle multipart images without that bug. I
haven't looked at the multipart image code in the offical client much (used the
protcol docs as a reference), but I assume that fixing that bug wouldn't be much
different than the implimentation of multipart image clearing on the bot GUI
that I'm working on. However my bot does copy multipart image data onto all
squares that it covers, with special data telling it where the top left is,
which probably simpifies it, and I don't think that the GTK client currently
tracks that information so that tracking would either have to be added, or
recalculated every clear.
(The multipart image support on my bot isn't perfect, such as multipart
buildings sometimes appearing overtop of the player, but overall it works fairly
If anybody wants to see what I've done in my bot (it's in python) for multipart
image clearing, I can e-mail it some time.

Alex Schultz


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