I just got to cleaning up the hard to read parts in my patch for arena petmode (the old version is version is on the tracker, which is the same except for readablity formatting has been improved since then) What it does, is it adds a new petmode called "arena" which acts exactly like "normal" does except: +Will attack players if: -The target, itself, and it's owner are all on battleground -and the it's owner and the target are not in the same party -and the "arena" petmode is active -and the target is not it's owner +Will attack other pets if: -The target, itself, and it's owner are all on battleground -and the owner of it's target, and it's own owner are not in the same party -and the "arena" petmode is active -and the target's owner, and it's own owner are not the same Any objections? Or should I commit this to CVS? Alex Schultz