Now the gravestones [Was: [crossfire] statues and monuments]

tchize tchize at
Sat May 14 03:53:03 CDT 2005

In the same philosophy, I will also switch the GRAVESTONE type to SIGN type,
#define GRAVESTONE 38 
is used nowhere in code. And behavior of a GRAVESTONE is identical to the SIGN 
(aka: just apply and read)

Le Dimanche 08 Mai 2005 11:38, tchize a écrit :
     Hello some monuments and statues in misc/ may contain a message but are of
     type 0 (no type).
     Is there a particulare reason or is it just lazyness?
     Does someone mind if i switch them to type SIGN? This way they would benefit
     from the new protocol messages currently used by books which allows client
      to get a better grasp on where a message comes from (they could display a
      picture of a big statue in a window with a text at the bottom when player
      apply the statue).
Tchize (David Delbecq)
     tchize at
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