[crossfire] Buildable savebeds

Mitch Obrian mikeeusaaa at yahoo.com
Wed May 25 13:09:01 CDT 2005

I agree. No pocket reality please. Maby you should
make the tent wear out in the weather so they have to
buy a new one every so often. Also there should be
possibility of being attacked while asleep.

--- Lalo Martins <
     lalo at laranja.org
     > wrote:
      <quote who="Anton Oussik">
      > On 5/10/05, 
      lalo at laranja.org
      lalo at laranja.org
      >> which also opens the ground for a
      >> completely new type of character, the traveler
      who doesn't have an
      >> apartment anywhere.
      > Would they then have a pocket dimension? (in CF if
      a pocket dimension
      > did exist, it would allow permanent storage of
      infinite items, as
      > there is no limit to how high stacks can go.
      Perhaps a way of limiting
      > that would be...
      I think it's a dangerous idea :-)  IF it existed, it
      would have to be
      horribly costly, and anyone who has one could
      probably have a castle or at
      least storage space somewhere.
      No, I was thinking more along the lines of never
      carrying too much stuff. 
      Bank accounts now work, I've heard; so this kind of
      char would need to
      learn to only carry the essential.  Which sounds
      challenging enough to be
            So many of our dreams at first seem
             then they seem improbable, and then, when we
             summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
      lalo at laranja.org
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