Upgrading from small world to big world, Was: [crossfire] Problem in a new Linux Crossfire server. Help plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

tchize tchize at myrealbox.com
Thu May 26 15:17:19 CDT 2005

This is a matter of renaiming the appartement files and patching the links 
back to the world in it. Also each player must be teleported to a safe place. 
The whole process has to be done for all players.
Try contacting leaf on metalforge, maybe, is say **maybe** he may help you.
Or just wait a few days on list to let everyone read your request.

Le Jeudi 26 Mai 2005 15:09, 
     cerzeo at gmail.com
      a écrit :
     I was looking for this script, but i don't find it.
     Someone has this scrip or know how to "validate" small world map player's
     appartment to big world maps?
     Thanks. :)
     crossfire mailing list
      crossfire at metalforge.org
Tchize (David Delbecq)
     tchize at myrealbox.com
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