[crossfire] Request for ui bindings for scripts.

Anton Oussik antonoussik at gmail.com
Sun May 29 04:07:48 CDT 2005

On 5/27/05, Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:
      Preston Crow wrote:
      > On Sat, 2005-05-14 at 13:39, Andrew Fuchs wrote:
      >>It would be nice if a script can intergrate more fully with the
      >>client's ui.  Namly, add enteries to the menubar, and otherwise
      >>maniuplate the ui of the client.
      > That would be nice.
      > If someone wrote a generic "add button" interface to the various
      > clients, then it would be fairly easy to hook the scripting in to it.
        For GTK, it wouldn't be hard to have a pull down menu for the scripts (putting
      buttons someplace is harder, because you need that space someplace to draw those
      buttons, and most of the clients don't have the space).
Perhaps on startup search for scripts in ~/.crossfire/scripts and add
them to a menu? (with scripts either being a list of locations the
scripts themselves can be found, or a directory containing the actual


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