[crossfire] Recent MLAB CDC bank commits

Mitch Obrian mikeeusaaa at yahoo.com
Sun May 29 20:31:09 CDT 2005

That would work. The reason I use imp in the dev map
is because banks in the real word would want to keep
as much bullion as possible, giving out paper money
would allow them to keep increasing their bullion
amount thus allowing them to back more and more
transactions.... and making them richer and richer in
a real sense.
--- Andrew Fuchs <
     fuchs.andy at gmail.com
     > wrote:
      On 5/29/05, Mitch Obrian <
      mikeeusaaa at yahoo.com
      > Recent MLAB CDC bank commits removed the bar ->
      > converters. This is problematic as the players who
      > bought vaults should beable to convert their bars
      > something.
      So bar -> platinum converters then?
      Andrew Fuchs
      crossfire mailing list
      crossfire at metalforge.org
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