[crossfire] Proposal to fix experience inflation due to random maps

Todd Mitchell temitchell at sympatico.ca
Tue May 31 21:32:09 CDT 2005

monster density - I think part of the problem with the monster density 
is that terrain is either blocked or not.  It would be different if you 
had more types of blocking terrain which would prevent the MOB crowd 
effect.  Having to run around barriers to get at monsters lobbing 
missiles over them would add some quick difficulty to random maps.  In 
built maps this can be constructed but random maps are very prone to 
monster density issues and this is a result of the combat/movement 
system.  Adding things like half walls, holes and water (or even spell 
shields) to random maps would allow the inclusion of some different 
tatical combinations in the styles.

Boss monsters - good idea

One point - the random map styles are very ripe for development and 
adjustment.  This alone would really improve the random maps and allow 
more control - especially with the difficulty stepping code that was 
recently added.


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