[crossfire] Fun proof of concept

Robert Brockway rbrockway at opentrend.net
Mon Aug 28 21:49:09 CDT 2006

On Sat, 26 Aug 2006, Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:

> Hello.
> For the fun I made a small proof of concept in Python :)
> Sending it here in case someone wants to use that for something else.
> Basically, if the player moves 5 squares to the top of the detector, then 5
> right, then 5 down, then 5 bottom, she gets some platinum coins.
> You must move in a 2 (game) minutes delay before each position, else it
> resets.
> *thinks of fun things like 3 players doing complex moves to activate
> something ;p

Hehehe - we could make them do coordinated dance routines to win the map 

Or how about an "olympics" map where the best coordinated team get the 
gold medal :)


Robert Brockway B.Sc.        Phone:          +1-905-821-2327
Senior Technical Consultant  Urgent Support: +1-416-669-3073
OpenTrend Solutions Ltd      Email:          support at opentrend.net
                              Web:            www.opentrend.net

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