[crossfire] Ice Castle up for grabs.

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Tue Feb 21 00:02:17 CST 2006

Brendan Lally wrote:
> On 2/17/06, Gabriele Dini Ciacci <gabriele.diniciacci at gmail.com> wrote:
>> File is now located at:
>>  www.diniciacci.org/projects/crossfire/IceCastle.tar.bz2
>>  Location is stable and should be available for a long time
> Which leads to the question, is this map, as is, suitable for
> including in the unlinked directory of maps-bigworld?

  Perhaps, but I think it would be better to make whatever changes, etc, to put 
it into the game.

  The unlinked directory was originally used to hold a few maps from the old map 
distribution that just didn't really make there way into the bigworld maps.

  It then sort of became a place to hold maps like this - ones that should 
perhaps be added to crossfire, but need work.

  The problem here is that stuff goes into unlinked, and never comes out. 
Greyshield was put there 3.5 years ago.

  I'm not familiar enough with the ice castle to know how much work it needs, 
but at some level, if it is just put into the unlinked directory and then 
forgotten, that is only marginally more useful than having it on a server someplace.

  I haven't looked at the unlinked maps in quite a while, but that could be an 
easy place to find some new maps to add to crossfire - there is always the issue 
of 'we need more maps', and here are about 100 maps in unlinked that could 
perhaps be added with less working than creating brand new maps.

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