[crossfire] (Python) script distribution

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Sun Jan 15 07:45:42 CST 2006


There are a few (Python) scripts i'd like to write, to extend Crossfire.
Merely thinking something like a "visit card" system (to let other
players know your level or skill), or something to autorejoin party at
login time.

So I'm wondering where to put those scripts. Should I put them in the
python subdirectory in maps, and assume everyone will want them? Should
we create a new subdirectory with "optional scripts"? Should I put'em on
some web page and let interested people download?
Note that this can in some ways apply to existing scripts (occidental
stuff scripts, for instance).

I'd say either put in python subdir, or create a new subdirectory - it's
the simplest way to distribute things imo.


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