[crossfire] On moving the Lone Town apartment

ERACC eracclists at bellsouth.net
Tue Jan 17 15:53:57 CST 2006

Greetings all,

It was pointed out to me on IRC that the Lone Town apartment does not
fit the Lone Town story line. Specifically the apartment is too big
and ostentatious for Lone Town. So, I propose moving that set of maps
to a "country villa" setting somewhere. I still want an apartment in,
or near, Lone Town and intend to make a single map to fit in with the
original Lone Town idea (as far as I understand it). I will also
leave the build shop in Lone Town but scale it down a touch.

If moved I want the country villa to be near somewhere that does not
currently have a permanent apartment. It does not matter if the town
nearby is small since a country villa is intended to be rural. Feed
me some suggestions please. I was thinking perhaps in the world maps
to the near East of Lake Country? Or even in the pup land maps near
Lone Town would be ok I think. I could then just remove the apartment
in Lone Town.

IMO the Regular Army people would be living in big country villa's
(or town apartments ;-) and the Freedom folk would be the poor and
downtrodden types. So perhaps access to the country villa (or
apartment if it stays in Lone Town) should depend on owning a Regular
Army Passport. "Feed me Seymour!"

As I already stated I do not want to put this somewhere near a city
that already has a permanent apartment. I also do not want to place
it so far out in the wilderness that it is impractical to own. I want
to make this change (if everyone agrees I need to move that thing)
before too many players buy them. I do not want to create more of an
administration headache than necessary.

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