[crossfire] Unit tests, request for comments

Alex Schultz alex_sch at telus.net
Sat Mar 11 18:21:31 CST 2006

Another thing, I'm thinking that in order to make such tests very easy 
to make, a variety of convenience macros would be good to put here. Such 
as perhaps one to run the main server cycle for x ticks, and perhaps one 
to run the main server cycle until another specified macro or function 
returns non-zero.
It might also be good to make some little macros such as one for map 
loading, that has a slightly simpler interface than the normal one 
(don't need that last parameter for most functional tests).
Having a good variety of such convenience functions and macros would 
make building functional tests easy to learn by example even for someone 
who does not know much C at all, and would make it faster for those who do.

tchize wrote:

>Testcases will share some include files not present in crossfire core. Those
>test specific headers will be put in test/includes

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