[crossfire] Quests cross-reference

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Mon Apr 30 08:50:36 CDT 2007


I started writing a page about the existing quests, at 
Yes, it'll kind of duplicate http://crossfire.real-time.com/maps/index.html 
this page, which isn't uptodate.

I think we should try to "integrate" the maps, that is:
* unify the different lores, unless it makes sense not to (divergent versions 
of the same thing, for instance)
* know what kind of items exist where in the world. This would help us find 
what items are missing, things like that
* know what maps exist for what levels

Also, it of course could be used to update the map index / guide on the 
site :)

Note that the organisation of the page could probably be improved, ideally we 
should put that in a database to be able to query it simply ^_-
But a wiki page would do the trick for now, I guess :)

http://nicolas.weeger.free.fr [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref 
de l'aléatoire !]
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