[crossfire] gtk-v2/src/metaserver.c revision 6801 (metaserver2 mods)

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Mon Aug 13 23:57:02 CDT 2007

Kevin R. Bulgrien wrote:
> It seems trunk is broken with metaserver2 code.  The client hard locks on exit.
> It seems to be hanging at the mutex lock because the metaserver2 isn't up,
> but I'm not
> 172 	  	     while (metaserver2_check_status()) {
> 173 	  	         usleep(100);
> 174 	  	         gtk_main_iteration_do(FALSE);
> 175 	  	     }
> 176 	  	 
> 177 	  	 
> 178 	  	     pthread_mutex_lock(&ms2_info_mutex);
> It kind of concerns me that the client would hard lock if the metaserver was
> down.
> I put the whole block in #if 0 / #endif, and the libglade client works great.
> Do I file a bug report, or is this in process code and that would just
> irritate someone?

  File a bug report.  I'll look at it no matter what, but bug reports are always 
good.  I think I have some idea as to the problem, but please post bug report 
with best steps to reproduce it.

> It also means I guess I need to merge the libglade stuff down to branch 1.x
> to get non-broken code.  I am pretty sure the libglade port is done and all
> that is left is to add new code to support choosing a .glade file to play with
> and tweaking on the window position saving.

  I probably wouldn't worry about that much right now - 1.x and trunk are kept 
pretty closely in sync - at some point, that metaserver2 code is going to get 
merged down into the 1.x branch, so that bug in the trunk needs to get fixed, 
but I think all new/active development should be done on the trunk and not 1.x 
(otherwise you may find yourself in the reverse situation down the road - some 
new feature unique to 2.0 (trunk) is added, and you now need to rebase/merge up 
to that)

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