No subject

Sun Jun 10 10:49:06 CDT 2007

> I would like to see regions for players of the same level.  You either
> need much more of those regions (for every nationalty an own beginning
> region) or stay with mixed maps.  But mixed maps lead newbies into
> death.  Having a cave of goblins next to one with dragons won't urge
> newbies recommending this game to others...

Agreed.  The starting towns shouldn't have maps that are too dangerous. =20
Maybe only one harder quest, with abundant warnings around it (in Scorn=20
I'd leave the Old City quest).

>> I'd take that opportunity to "regionalize" the choices of gods.  One
>> possibility is that praying at an altar doesn't "convert" you, you nee=
>> be "converted" on that god's society
> On the one hand you're saying, that you should be able to master every
> skill by your own to the same level as others with a teacher.  On the
> other hand you deny that for the praying skill.  I think that's
> inconsistent.

Er, no, I never said that, where did I?

Besides, the two things aren't related at all.  The choice of what god a=20
character worships has nothing to do with skills.  I just think, for=20
flavor purposes, the choices of religion should be regional.  That has no=
impact at all on how far and how fast a priest can advance, just on what=20
"kind" of priest she can be.

>> New skills, at amateur level, should be IMO taught at a relevant
>> society.
> How do you learn magic skills if you're a warrior?  Or are you allowed
> to enter all societies?  Or won't you ever get a chance to learn magic
> skills as a warrior?

Only by joining an "advanced" society as I described later, one that only=
admits you if you are a warrior and then teaches you some magic -- making=
you the equivalent of today's "warlock".

>> It also, on a crowded server (which we hope to get if we make CF2 cool
>> enough), facilitates characters meeting others of the same society and
>> forming parties.  Conversely, if you need one mage for you party of
>> fighters, you know where to go; just stand in front of the Academy for
>> a while.
> Wouldn't it be much easier to use "chat" instead of camping in front of
> a guild? ;)

I thought that as I was writing.  Then I thought, our current chat system=
is somewhat aberrant.  We have channels and we have a "main" channel, and=
everybody joins the "main" channel; but that's because the servers aren't=
too full.  If we make this cool enough and the servers get really full,=20
then I wouldn't expect people to be in the same chat channel anymore, or=20
actually playing the game will become impossible.

> Besides that, I think CF needs much more party support to make this wor=
> well - if ever on a tiled 2D map.  I don't see much parties going deepe=
> at raffle2 after the trolls are dead.  A CF party is just used to level
> up a character fast, nothing more.

That is at least partially true, maybe completely.  But I'm assuming=20
we'll address that for 2.0 as well.  Even if we don't, it's worth making=20
it easier to party, if the cost isn't very high, because then we're more=20
encouraged to improve partying later, in 2.x :-)

                                               Lalo Martins

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom       

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