[crossfire] New plugin: cfnewspaper

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Sat Mar 31 01:32:50 CDT 2007

>   Regional papers is a good idea.
>   Other thoughts of things to add in the paper:
>   Quest information - people doing the nobility quest of scorn as an
> example Maybe most valuable items recently sold.
>   Player deaths in the area.
>   A thing on the RFE list would be regional based messages.  I'd perhaps
> extend that to type based messages, eg:
> REGION scorn
> TYPE newspaper (other possiblities are things like scroll, book, and npc)
>   If the messages file got big/complete enough, it could actually be
> worthwhile to talk to NPC's for information (npcs with default messages
> perhaps get one of the random ones added).

There alread is a mechanism to handle different newspaper, based on region. 
Hasn't been much tested, but well, it'll be soon enough :)

As for other reports, sure, needs to have cflogger log'em, then cfnewspaper 
can use'em :)

http://nicolas.weeger.free.fr [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref 
de l'aléatoire !]

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