[crossfire] Patches on tracker

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Sat May 5 04:27:44 CDT 2007

Hello, some feedback on the patches on tracker.

> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1673222&group_id=
>13833&atid=313833 arrows that stone victim, things like that (not sure how
> you unstone) could be fun, imo

I'm not totally sure how you can unstone. It seems to me it's a permanent 
stone, not sure we want that...

> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1680135&group_id=
>13833&atid=313833 Buildable buildings
> as that one says, full buildings you can buy & enter later
> could be fun too (but script would also need some tweaking, hardcoded paths
> aren't fun ^_-)

Looking at the script, it has one drawback/thing to consider: to work, it 
requires write access to (a subdirectory of) the maps directory, as it copies 
template maps to a subdirectory.
Would that be a security concern? Not sure of another way to do that, though, 
as buildings are not player unique maps (other players can use it).
I do think I'll commit it anyway, if no one objects.

http://nicolas.weeger.free.fr [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref 
de l'aléatoire !]

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