[crossfire] scripts

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Sun May 6 18:20:33 CDT 2007

On Sun, 06 May 2007 18:13:32 +0200, Nicolas Weeger wrote:
> I agree there need to be a way to separate scripts for archetypes,
> instead of having'em in the maps directory.
> I would put them in a subdirectory under where archetypes / treasures /
> formulae are, so we keep some coherence.

Right... that's exactly what I suggested, isn't it?  ;-)

> As for having some special syntax, hum..... we can always do that first,
> and change later on :)

Which one?

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
personal:                    http://lalo.hystericalraisins.net/
technical:                    http://www.hystericalraisins.net/
GNU: never give up freedom                 http://www.gnu.org/

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