[crossfire] Legs

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Fri May 25 00:23:53 CDT 2007

Nicolas Weeger wrote:
> Hello.
> I just implemented feature request 
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1653768&group_id=13833&atid=363833 
> for legs body slot.
> Player archetypes now have 2 legs when relevant.
> Now we just need armor for that ;)

  We have to keep balance in mind.

  One problem that happened when 'normal' boots and gauntlets could be found 
(instead of only the artifact ones) is that players AC now jumped 4 points - 
could find ac+2 boots and ac+2 gauntlets.  Some could happen for pants/greaves.

  May not seem like a lot, but low level characters are able to pick up these 
items, so it was level 3-4 characters getting 4 points of AC, which is a pretty 
big difference.

  One way to perhaps fix this is that full armor suits should perhaps use both 
torso & legs (it is a full suit after all) - things like dragon scale armor, 
plate, etc.  And one could perhaps have more piecemeal armor - you could wear 
that breastplate & greaves, etc.

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