[crossfire] clarifications to more outright lies

Marc Lehmann schmorp at schmorp.de
Sat Oct 6 13:46:29 CDT 2007

Hmm, the thread (again I was left out of the discussion) about the removal
of the schmorp servers from the metaserver was brought ot my attention
again, and unfortunately yann just posted more outright lies.

Here, again, is the utter truth, for those willing to follow the truth
instead of his fabrications:

> Yann Chachkoff:
>  Le Saturday 15 September 2007 13:55:51 Marc Lehmann, vous avez écrit :
>  > Yann, you are a liar, and you know it. There is no excuse for the amount of
>  > FUD you spread, as what you say can easily be verified. The fact that you
>  > didn't even try to verify your claims and sitll do them has no excuse.
>  >
>  I don't like answering personal attacks,

Don't take it as a personal attack. It isn't. You keep repeating simple,
obvious lies. Thats a statement of fact. And that keeps being unacceptable
by any moral standard. For example:

>  3. About "forgetting the CF servers in the TRT clients lists"
>  b) they were removed first from the metaserver;

> Point b) is simply not true. The TRT servers were removed from the CF 

No matter how *often* you repeat untruths, it won't make them any truer.

We were blocked to retrieve metaserver information about two weeks before
our servers were blocked. How it was done exactly we don't know (likely
simply firewalled), who did it and why we don't know either, you will have
to ask the responsible persons for that. I can only report the effects.

Since all of us were quite busy at the time, we didn't have the time to
create our own metaserver (the client used its own protocol, both because
its simpler and more reliable, and because we have been held hostage a
number of times with the existing metaserver protocol).

Removing us from the metaserver made it extremely hard for most gcfclient
users who didn't know how to select servers to connect to the server they
regulary play on. Most that managed days later said they believed the
server would be down.

The decision to roll our own protocol was a good one for our users
(although it was made for technical reasons, i.e. richer protocol), as at
least the cfplus users were not cut off from playing on their favourite

roughly weeks before, so the reason cfplus stopped displaying other
servers shortly before the removal is that cfplus was banned from getting
that information and we couldn't come up with an alternative within that
short time frame.

>  a) they didn't have time to create their own metaserver compatible with 
>  gcfclient;

Two weeks are a rather short time to set up the infrastructure for
that. And rolling new clients out and getting people to use it within that
time is simply not realistic. Neither is setting up the infrastructure for
a metaserver. Sorry, won't do.

>  Point c) could have easily been solved by discussing the blocking issue with 

There simply was no time for that. It is also irrelevant for the truth
of my statement and the untruth of your lie: we were blocked first from
accessing the information, and this was later used against us by lieing
about what happened. Great plan, Yann. Worked perfectly, some people
actually believed you :(

>  Whatever the reasons, the result was the same: TRT servers used the CF 
>  infrastructure to advertise their presence, but TRT clients didn't bother 
>  listing the CF servers.

That was out of our powers, and only for a very short time. If you hadn't
blocked us, we would have shown the servers AS WE DID ALL THE YEARS BEFORE

Please stop spreading this lie. Its just not true as you can verify by
asking any cfplus user who remembers having used the server list feature a
few months ago.

>  4. On being blocked "without any notice"
>  First, the discussion was conducted on the public mailing list. One that some 
>  of the TRT developers are subscribers of.

I asked all remaining developers (one person), and he said he wasn't
subscribed. So thats just another of your lies, unless you claim there are
some hiden underground developers in our project we do not know off.

So, yet another outright lie from you. Thats a fact, unfortunately only
people with access to the mailinglist data can verify that.

> They (or you) had the opportunity to participate in the discussion, and
> formulate objections.

In fact, my reply was held back multiple days. I wouldn't call that being
able to participate in a discussion. Especially as we weren't notified of
it in any way, and were not subscribed to the list.

> If you chose not to take part on the debate and expose your own
> position, it was up to you.

That so reminds me of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy "you earthlings
would only have had to travel to proxima centauri to say something against
the plans" (or whatever star it was).


>  Second, *I* didn't block TRT from both metaservers without any notice; I just 

No, you just asked others to do it for you, by making up lies. Thats much
worse than blocking it yourself, as you decieved others :(

>  As a side note, the original discussion that led to the exclusion of TRT 
>  servers, was about the metaserver2, and not the metaserver1.
>  they have a brain and can decide by themselves if my 
>  proposal is grounded or not.

Well, obviously, those people that "have a brain and can decide for
themselves" interpreted your proposal as to remove all our servers from
both metaservers at once, without prior or later notice of any kind.

So they obviously weren't bright enough to understand your proposal,
right, which didn't actually call for that (and note there is no other
public discussion about this, and still nobody told us why it happened, or
even *that* it happened).

Given that you keep spreading outright lies, I can't much fail them either
though, they simply relied on your honesty, which was a mistake, probably
some mistake that fit into their agenda, but nevertheless, you used lies
to get them to do that.

Thats a verifiable fact, no personal attack :/

>  5. About "criminal behavior"
>  On this, I'd just like to point out that calling somebody a criminal on a 
>  public discussion when no crime has been committed is, in most countries, 
>  condemnable by law.

Well, nobody called you a criminal, so get over it before you feel the
urge to fabricate some lies about it. You are just a public and repeated
liar :)

>  Most of the "honest" people here (and I believe all of the CF devs nowadays 
>  are honest and willing)

So thats either another wrong statement or you don't count yourself as one
of the CF devs. No matter what it is, you are publicly spreading lies, and
keep doing so. Wether you call that criminal or not, its not a behaviour
an honest person will take part in, and I doubt anybody here disagrees with

> already know what I said on several occasions: "This 
>  is *my* opinion.

Saying "this is not the truth" or stating untruths as facts is not a
statement of opinion. Thats quite simply lies.

>  Do I sound cool ?

No, you sound like some asshole who uses whatever lies he can come up with
to try to make people hurt other people. Thats a personal attack, btw. If
you have a problem being called a liar publicly you should probably stop
with that.

It really isn't about sounding cool. You keep making up and repeating lies
about me, us, our server, our project etc. in public. Do your honestly
expect that I will just let them sit there uncorrected?

>  This will be my final message on this topic. There is nothing left to discuss, 

Sure, there would be a lot to discuss, for example, why do you keep lieing?

>  unless the goal is to bind me on a mast and burn me on the public place - but 

Not a bad idea, I'd rather prefer that actually than having to see you
spreading lies into other peoples faces. Seriously, I don't like liars.

>  Witch Hunting is sooo old-fashioned these days... :)

Well, they also made up lies about people to get some court or non-court
decision. Just like you do. I can only keep repeating the facts.

> Nicholas Weeger:
> This nicely sums up my issues with Schmorp : our common sense, perception of 
> the world and handling of diplomacy are too different to lead to anything 
> positive.

I am sorry, Nicholas. But Yann simply keeps repeating pointless lies. This
has nothing to do with diplomacy or perception of the world or anything
like that. He lies, and he doesn't make the slightest attempt of hiding it
or substantiating his claims.

When people make up obvious lies as Yann keeps doing, thats really the end
of it. Unfortunately, as in the past, all that happens is to hurt _users_
more and split the already dwindling userbase even more.

When will the crossfire project wake up and see that competition and
working towards the same goal is good?

All this yann-liar is achieving is yet another split (and unfortunately
it hurts us more as we always supported the crossfire project instead of
rolling our own), and ultimately the death of a project (I really hope so
to keep future contributors from the same fiasko), all to cling to their
small userbase which just got split in half again.

It was your choice to do it like that or follow up with yanns plans, not

Asking for diplomacy is too much...

                The choice of a
      -----==-     _GNU_
      ----==-- _       generation     Marc Lehmann
      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      pcg at goof.com
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      http://schmorp.de/
      -=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\      XX11-RIPE

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