[crossfire] Things to fix

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Tue Jul 15 15:03:23 CDT 2008

> > The combat rebalance needs to be finished. Mark, how can we help you
> > on that?
> > Also, do people have comments about the current hand to hand combat
> > rebalance?
> > Can be seen on the Ailesse servers (one permadeath, the other non
> > permadeath).
> > What about general item/monster fixing/balance?
>  I plan to start working on that once I get back from vacation in another
> week and a half or so.  Excuse the mistakes - Austrian kezboards have the
> kezs in the wrong places...

So, can we expect anything before the end of the millenium? :)
Anything we can help?

IMO, once combat is rebalanced, even if imperfectly, we should forget about 
branch except for critical bugfixes. Trunk should become stable, someday!

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref de 
l'aléatoire !]
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