[crossfire] Spell proposals

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Sun Dec 6 11:30:45 CST 2009


Here are two proposals for spells. They are not totally incompatible, but 
well, even only one could fun IMO :)

The aim is to reduce the number of spells, and also make it more customizable 
for players;

I'll use the fireball spell as an example.

Spells with options.
Basic idea: level 1 fireball does x damage for y ticks on z squares.
Each spell have defined bonus in damage, duration, range for one level.

When casting a spell, you can add options, like:

1) /cast power 20% fireball
2) /cast range 15% fireball
3) cast damage 90 fireball
4) cast range 5% duration 2% fireball

1) means "add (20% of levels over 1) * y ticks to duration, the rest split 
between range and damage"
2) means "add (15% of levels over 1) * z to range, the rest split between 
duration and damage"
3) means "add (90 * x) to damage, extra levels above split between duration 
and range"
4) is left as an exercice to the reader :)

Obviously, you could then have a client-side interface to tweak spells / help 
define your spells.

Player-made spells
Basic idea: get a spellbook for a standard level 1 fireball.
Use alchemy (or other means) to tweak the parameters like range per level, 
duration, and such.

Ingredients to customize could be costly, or different for spells, or 

Once leant, the spell has its own special parameters.

What do you think of that?

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Mon p'tit coin du web]
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