[crossfire] How to integrate old stories in the game?

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Mon Nov 16 15:32:05 CST 2009


How would one integrate old (as some hundred years old) in-game stories in the 
gameplay flow?

Right now, we have kind of the "Know-It-All" sage who will conveniently know 
everything of things that happened hundred years ago, without any mistake or 

Things I could envision:
- old manuscripts, in languages a player would need to learn to decipher
- wrong (plain or slightly mistaken) things around, to have the player try to 
figure what to trust
- partial stories only, leaving the rest to deduction.

Opinions? :)

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref de 
l'aléatoire !]
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