[crossfire] Version bump request?

DraugTheWhopper norkthedork at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 10:56:03 CDT 2014

*Tap* *Tap* *Ahem* (Is this thing on?)
Right, so assuming that this email gets to the intended place [crossfire],
here's a request: is there any chance of getting a new official upstream
release? So the story is as follows: I do no coding or developing, but know
enough about Linux to run Debian Testing. However, the current upstream
version of CF is 1.70.0, which as of a week ago, is about two years old. If
i understand correctly, all trunk improvements since then are not in any
official upstream release, therefore never get packaged for Debian, and so
are not seen by the casual people who merely "apt-get dist-upgrade"
occasionally. Is there a chance a version 1.70.x could be released
periodically, or is there a 1.99 that could be packaged separately, or
should someone just start packaging nightly builds as
"crossfire-client-unstable"? Please pardon my ignorance and correct me as
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