[crossfire] flatpak

Jussi Eloranta eloranta at aa6kj.hopto.org
Sun Feb 12 15:28:56 CST 2023


OK, now someone finally was able to tell me what to do (change the 
comment for the commit etc.):


Clone this repo locally: 

Enter it (i.e. cd net.crossfireatlas.crossfire)

Make a new branch (git checkout -b version11)

Make your change (git add . ; git commit -m "Update Flatpak to version 
1.1!" ; git push)

Go to https://github.com/flathub/net.crossfireatlas.crossfire/pulls and 
it should prompt you to make a PR

Make the PR, once it builds you can test it and merge it yourself. Once 
merged the update will be available on Flathub.org.

Here's an example of me updating one of my apps a few weeks ago: 


The git push step will given an error but it will suggest the correct 

git push --set-upstream origin version11

The app version info is in net.crossatlas.crossfire.appdata.xml file as 
<release> ... </release> block. The version numbers must appear in order 
(latest first and oldest last).

So, let's see if the update appears on my steam deck.


ps. It is still a mystery how the sha256 got updated 
net.crossfireatlas.crossfire.yaml but it seems to be for the current 
one. So, in the future this would need to be updated accordingly.

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