Hi all<br>
Last days, I have returned to the world of CF after a problem with Motherboard, Processor and RAM Memory.<br>
As you know, when a game is well known by many many players aroud the
world, it becomes more and more funny. OK, then, i was thinking ways to
promo Crossfire, I say Crossfire "general", not a concrete server
(cat2, Metalforge, schmorp...). And a cool idea can be a "Promotion
This is a In-Game video of Crossfire, with a presentation and so on, a
player fighting with a Dread, and with a high level monster, a PvP duel
and all exciting things who CF offers the player.<br>
I was looking for a program to record a video of the desktop, and I
have found one, called "vnc2swf". It allows to save in swf format a vnc
Can you tell me if you like the idea? Do you know any other program
like "vnc2swf"? What kind of music do you like for the video
(electronical or heavy metal/rock, classical)? What kind of promo
video/s do you like before (WoW videos, UA videos, Lineage videos...)?
etc...<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Powered By SuSE Linux 10.0