A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2005/11/13 20:13
User        : danith
Edit Summary: Removed static 'bread trail'

@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
- [[Document Repository]] > [[Document Repository|Player Guides]] > **Misc Guides**
  ====== Misc Guides ======
  Here are some things which may interest you, and although they are optional or otherwise not belonging in the other categories, you may find that they may greatly enhance your game experience...
    * [[Alchemy Guide]] A guide to one of the premiere methods of getting rich quick in CF, and it actually works...
    * [[Mikee's Maze]] Crossfire's own maze of twisty little passages all alike, and some hints for how to escape the madness.

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