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Date        : 2005/11/24 02:02
User        : 
Edit Summary: Creating a link to the detailed dragon/fire hatchling guide

@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
  ==== Fire Hatchling ====
-  Dragons are completely different to any other race. Their vast size and bizarre body prevents them from wearing both armour or weapons. Dragons disdain these human tools anyways. Instead, they are gifted with the ability to evolve and grow stronger by eating the flesh of their defeated foes. Over the years, the dragonhide will harden and it can provide better protection than the best armour. Instead of wielding a weapon, they use their sharp and lethal claws in combat. Moreover, dragons have a natural talent for magic and particularly spellcasting. Dragons are very interested in the lore of the elements and usually choose to specialize. While focusing their metabolism on a certain element, they can gain various new abilities - including new spells, enhanced claws and more. Eventually, a dragon is able to evolve from the hatchling stage into a grown-up terrifying ancient dragon.
+  Dragons (or [[Fire Hatchling]])are completely different to any other race. Their vast size and bizarre body prevents them from wearing both armour or weapons. Dragons disdain these human tools anyways. Instead, they are gifted with the ability to evolve and grow stronger by eating the flesh of their defeated foes. Over the years, the dragonhide will harden and it can provide better protection than the best armour. Instead of wielding a weapon, they use their sharp and lethal claws in combat. Moreover, dragons have a natural talent for magic and particularly spellcasting. Dragons are very interested in the lore of the elements and usually choose to specialize. While focusing their metabolism on a certain element, they can gain various new abilities - including new spells, enhanced claws and more. Eventually, a dragon is able to evolve from the hatchling stage into a grown-up terrifying ancient dragon.
  ==== Fireborn ====

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