A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2005/11/24 02:13
User        : leaf
Edit Summary: Fact wiki - removing links that have already been migrated to the new wiki, or pages that will *not* be migrated to the new wiki.  Not finished working on this list.

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
  ====== Wiki Content Migration ======
  Note: Initial page creation, needs to be updated
@@ -38,90 +37,43 @@
      * ZWiki
                  + MajorwooFamine 
  ==== Fact Wiki contents ====
      0 FrontPage
            o BigWorld
-                 + ImperialHighway
                        # Scorn
                        # YellowBrickRoad 
-           o ClientScripts
-                 + book.py 
-           o CrossFire
            o CrossfireClients
                  + CrossfireClientFeatureRequests
                  + GTKClientUserManual
                  + RetiredCrossfireClients
                        # DirectXClient
                        # JCrossClient
                        # Win32Client 
-           o CrossfireMonsters
-                 + TheBehemoth
-                 + TheDragons
-                 + TheElementals
-                 + TheLich
-                 + TheTitan
-                 + TheVampire 
-           o CrossfireServer
-                 + TheBinary
-                 + TheSource 
            o CrossfireWebsites
-           o GameSpoilers
-           o GuidelinesToCreatingDocs
-           o MakingArchetypes
-           o MapMaking
-           o MediaWiki
            o PlayerGuides
-                 + ClientCommands
-                 + DragonPlayerGuide
-                 + FAQ
                  + FirebornPlayerGuide
                  + MiscGuides
                        # AlchemyGuide
                              * AlchemicalRecipies
                                    o Philosophical Oil
                                    o Water of the Wise 
                              * BonziEvilMasters 
-                       # Mikee's Maze 
                  + RaceGuide
-                 + WorshipingDevourers
-                 + WorshippingDevourers
-                 + WorshippingGuide
-                       # WorshippingGaea
-                       # WorshippingGorokh
-                       # WorshippingMostrai 
            o PythonPlugin
                  + BackTalkBook
-                 + CFPython
                  + CFPython A-C
                  + CFPython D-G
                  + CFPython H-R
                  + CFPython S-Z 
            o SpellSuggestions
                  + SummonSpells 
            o SuggestionBox
-           o TheRepository
-           o TrainingCenters
            o WikiBadges
-                 + DeleteMe
-                 + EditMe
-                 + MaintainedByX
-                 + PublishMe
-                 + RequestForContributions
                        # InsultGenerator
                              * InsultGeneratorSourcecode 
-                       # WikiBadge 
      * ZWiki
-           o AnnoyingQuote
                  + SuggestedAlchemyFormulas 
-           o HelpPage
-                 + SandBox
-                       # TestThisThing
-                             * HEy 
-                 + WikiName 
-           o RecentChanges
-           o SearchPage
-           o UserOptions 
-                 + BookMarks 
-           o WikiWikiWeb 

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