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Date        : 2005/11/24 02:26
User        : 
Edit Summary: Merged Yellow Brick Road and Imperial Highway infomration on to one page; corrected page formatting

@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- The proverbial YellowBrickRoad which strings its way across the Main continent of BigWorld, the ImperialHighway was created during the time of the Empire and is a lasting legacy of a more peaceful time. Travel along the ImperialHighway is still reasonable safe as the road is maintained and there are inns and shops along this road.
+ The proverbial "Yellow Brick Road" (nicknamed because the durable yellow clay used to make the bricks) which strings its way across the Main continent of BigWorld, the Imperial Highway was created during the time of the Empire and is a lasting legacy of a more peaceful time. Travel along the Imperial Highway is still reasonable safe as the road is maintained and there are inns and shops along this road.
  Towns connected by the highway are:
-  * Santo Dominion
-  * Scorn
-  * Navar
-  * Darcap/Dtabb
+   * Santo Dominion
+   * [[Scorn]]
+   * Navar
+   * Darcap/Dtabb

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