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Date        : 2005/11/24 02:30
User        : 
Edit Summary: Typo corrections

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  To those inside this inner circle, however, the possibilities are limitless...
  True alchemy is not for the faint of heart, but all may reap the benefits of its simpler side.
- To begin, I must introduce alchemy. Alchemy was once the simple art of transfiguring base metal into gold, and later, platinum. The early alcemists quickly profited greatly, buying whatever they desired, but that was not enough. The peasants of the realm had only so much, and nothing more. The alchemists wanted more.
+ To begin, I must introduce alchemy. Alchemy was once the simple art of transfiguring base metal into gold, and later, platinum. The early alchemists quickly profited greatly, buying whatever they desired, but that was not enough. The peasants of the realm had only so much, and nothing more. The alchemists wanted more.
  Many of the alchemists began to deviate from their peers, using their cauldrons to make many potions. They began to create items of great power. Power, though, came at a price, and what horrors the alchemists had unleashed were never to cease.
  (I'm skipping the story, saving it for later, and going on to the actual guide.)
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  Alchemy is a very easy skill. You only need:
  The alchemy skill. This is a very nice skill to have, and well worthwhile for both money-making and making yourself invulnerable when you feel like it. There is no talisman, as it is not an attack skill. Instead, you can get the scroll. 500 plat. Easy, but expect to stalk shops for quite a bit. (Unless you know one of two places...)
- A cauldron. Get spares. You WILL set a few on fire and such. Some are enchanted, and work better. A +1 cauld is nice. I've seen up to a +3, though I suspect the code allows +5. Remember, these +es are rare. A +1 cauld is rarer than any +4 standard weapon, and most artifacts. A +2 is something you can show off. A +3 is a sign of power. A +4 will almost get you a ring of Ruling. A +5? Well, then I begin to become suspicious.
+ A cauldron. Get spares. You WILL set a few on fire and such. Some are enchanted, and work better. A +1 cauldron is nice. I've seen up to a +3, though I suspect the code allows +5. Remember, these +es are rare. A +1 cauldron is rarer than any +4 standard weapon, and most artifacts. A +2 is something you can show off. A +3 is a sign of power. A +4 will almost get you a ring of Ruling. A +5? Well, then I begin to become suspicious.
  Ingredients. Go figure. The alchemy skill requires things to be put into cauldrons. There are the standard reagents and monster parts. You'll only work with a few early on.
  You need a bit of level in alchemy first. Level 1 tends not to be safe near a cauldron. Take advantage of alchemy's other use, identification. Bind a key to drop platinum on the alchemy sale table for one ingredient, use_skill alchemy. Do this over the mineral oil table. Plan to spend a few thousand platinum. Eventually, you will get to level 5 alchemy.
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  You are now cauldron capable, but just barely.
  At this time, I would like to note that in alchemy, the numbers 7, and to a lesser degree 3 and 5, are very useful.
- Back to the matter of making money and getting exp. Remember your mineral oil? Remember your magic numbers?
+ Back to the matter of making money and getting experience. Remember your mineral oil? Remember your magic numbers?
  (To be continued whenever. Let me finish the draft before any other changes are added, please. ~Zeph)
- Mabey a section for [[Alchemical Recipies]], would be nice?
+ Maybe a section for [[Alchemical Recipies]], would be nice?

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