A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details: Date : 2005/11/24 02:47 User : leaf Edit Summary: Removing links that have already been migrated to the new wiki, or pages that will *not* be migrated to the new wiki @@ -40,29 +40,15 @@ ==== Fact Wiki contents ==== http://crossfire.freezope.org/wiki/CF_fact_wiki/FrontPage/UserOptions/contents - 0 FrontPage - o BigWorld - # Scorn - # YellowBrickRoad o CrossfireClients + CrossfireClientFeatureRequests + GTKClientUserManual + RetiredCrossfireClients # DirectXClient - # JCrossClient # Win32Client o CrossfireWebsites - o PlayerGuides - + FirebornPlayerGuide - + MiscGuides - # AlchemyGuide - * AlchemicalRecipies - o Philosophical Oil - o Water of the Wise - * BonziEvilMasters - + RaceGuide o PythonPlugin + BackTalkBook + CFPython A-C + CFPython D-G IP-Address : Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/content_migration?rev=1132798435 New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/content_migration -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at http://wiki.metalforge.net/